I'm really enjoying these as the advice chimes with me far more than most of this type of article I read. It's nearly always a combination of what I do, what I've thought of doing but not tried, and stuff that I want to try now I've read it. I'm not sure about not asking what makes them unique. Maybe not in those words, but it's one I'll often tackle as often they aren't as special as they think they are. It's often a fruitful area to challenge and explore.
I'm really enjoying these as the advice chimes with me far more than most of this type of article I read. It's nearly always a combination of what I do, what I've thought of doing but not tried, and stuff that I want to try now I've read it. I'm not sure about not asking what makes them unique. Maybe not in those words, but it's one I'll often tackle as often they aren't as special as they think they are. It's often a fruitful area to challenge and explore.